Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blessed John Paul's beatification remembered one year later

Vatican City, May 1, 2012 / 02:30 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Blessed Pope John Paul II has been remembered one year after his beatification with a candlelight prayer vigil at the site where he hosted World Youth Day 2000 in Rome.

"What was the secret of John Paul II? I think I can say, the unity between faith and life. He lived for God and for man to bring to God, because he was happy," said Cardinal Agostino Vallini, Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome at the vigil April 30.

Cardinal Vallini was addressing thousands of young people from the Diocese of Rome and beyond at Tor Vergata on the eastern outskirts of Rome. It was here that Pope John Paul II had told millions of young pilgrims to World Youth Day 2000 that "in saying 'yes' to Christ, you say 'yes' to all your noblest ideals."

Last night the World Youth Day cross returned to Tor Vergata along with many of those who were in attendance 12 years. This time, however, they arrived with their husbands, wives and children to thank Blessed John Paul for his inspirational witness.

"Twelve years ago I was here, under this same Cross, on stage with the choir of the diocese of Rome," said one female pilgrim to Vatican Radio.

"Today, after 12 years, I am here to thank him again, because I'm here with my family, my husband, my son who is called John Paul Emmanuel."

"I am getting goose bumps just at the thought of being here," said another veteran of World Youth Day 2000 who described that encounter with Pope John Paul as "a moment that changed my life, which matured my faith, which made me really see what the faith truly was and that the faith could be the center of my life."

In his homily Cardinal Vallini recalled Pope John Paul II's message of hope and urged the young and not-so-young people in attendance to continue to continue to be "generous" with God.

It was on May 1, 2011, that Pope Benedict XVI beatified his predecessor six years after Pope John Paul's death. The beatification ceremony in Rome was attended by over 1.5 million pilgrims. Included in their number was Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, the French nun whose miraculous cure from Parkinson's Disease paved the way for the beatification.

Courtesy: CNA Oringinal Post

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