Monday, May 21, 2012

Abortion doctor says women who undergo procedure live with guilt

Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 21, 2012 / 04:02 pm (CNA).- German Pablo Cardoso, a well-known abortion doctor in Argentina, said that every woman who undergoes an abortion is burdened with "sorrow" and guilt.

In an interview with MDZ Radio, the 54-year-old Cardoso, who markets himself online as "Doctor Abortion," called the procedure "a burden, a sorrow in the soul, and there is no woman who does not live with guilt."

Cardoso was detained by Argentinean authorities in June 2011 for performing illegal abortions, but was eventually released by a judge. The doctor has been performing abortions since 2000 at a cost of $786 U.S. dollars each.

During the radio program, Cardoso said he continues to carry out abortions despite seeing its negative affects on women and has joined an advocacy group in calling for the legalization of the practice in Argentina.

He said he uses the "surgical method" of dilation and aspiration to perform abortions and that some 500,000 abortions are performed each year in the country. "Not even half of these are carried out by doctors," he claimed.

Cardoso said his family supports him as an abortion doctor. "If we were in Europe or the United States, we would not be talking about ethics or guilt. It's a matter of passing laws that we need."

Courtesy: CNA Oringinal Post

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