Austin, Texas, Nov 13, 2012 / 11:50 am (CNA).- The Austin-based pro-life media group Heroic Media has released a new video for National Adoption Month to encourage women with unexpected pregnancies to consider adoption.
“Most women don't understand the feeling of empowerment adoption brings,” Marissa Cope, Heroic Media’s Director of Marketing, Communications and Research, said Nov. 12. “We believe this video will alert women to a possibility they may not have yet considered and ultimately save the lives of unborn children.”
Cope said fewer than one percent of women with unplanned pregnancies choose adoption, even though there are 30 to 40 couples desiring to adopt for every adoptive baby.
The ad is a result of Heroic Media’s partnership with Bethany Christian Services to publicize resources for pregnant women.
The commercial, titled “The Adoption Option,” is available on YouTube. It will be exclusively broadcast on the Oxygen Network beginning Nov. 12. It will air during the reality TV program “I’m Having Their Baby,” about pregnant women going through the adoption process.
The ad features a pregnant woman who tells the viewer why she plans to put her unborn child up for adoption.
“I’m pregnant, but I’m not in a position to care for this child,” the woman says, placing her hand over her womb. “I want him to be with a family who will love him and give him the things that I can’t.”
“I’ve learned that through adoption, I can choose the family who will raise him. And I can receive help through the rest of my pregnancy,” she continues.
“Adoption just seems like the best option. For him, and for me,” she says.
About half of the more than six million pregnancies in the U.S. each year are not planned. The ad intends to target these pregnant women, especially those in their twenties who account for more than half of all abortions.
The ad can be seen at the Heroic Media website at
Courtesy: CNA Oringinal Post
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