Monday, January 9, 2012

Pope baptizes 16 in Sistine Chapel

Vatican City, Jan 8, 2012 / 02:51 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI baptized 16 newborn babies during Sunday Mass within the historic surroundings of the Vatican's Sistine Chapel on Jan. 8.

"We can say that this was your first educational choice as witnesses of the faith to your children: the fundamental choice," said the Pope to the parents, godparents, families and friends.

The annual ceremony marks the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and thus the conclusion of the Church's Christmas celebrations. The Pope explained to those gathered that their role is now to educate their children in conjunction with God.

 "Educating is very demanding; it is sometimes arduous because of our human capacities, which are always limited," he said.

"But education becomes a wonderful mission if it is done in collaboration with God, who is the first and true educator of every man."

To distance ourselves from God, though, is to become like the prodigal son as "we would soon find ourselves in trouble," and "above all we would lose our human dignity."

"Fortunately for us," he said, "we can always come back to Him," knowing that when we do "it will bring forth good fruit in our lives, as the rain irrigates the earth."

That is why the parents and godparents have "undertaken to draw on a good source," from themselves and their children – that source being "the source of salvation," that is "the Word of God and the Sacraments."

Parents, like priests, are not "the source," of such education but "are rather like the channels through which the lifeblood of the love of God must pass." Therefore, the first and best way to educate "is through witness."

A model of how to be an educator in the faith is given by St. John the Baptist who is featured in today's Gospel where he leads his disciples to Jesus Christ.

"The true teacher does not bind people to him, he is not possessive," but instead, he or she "wants the son or disciple, to learn to know the truth, and establish a personal relationship with it," explained the Pope. 

Therefore, while a "true teacher," will always provide an "attentive and faithful presence," the primary goal is that "the student will listen to the voice of truth speaking to his heart and pursue a personal journey." 

The parent and godparent is aided in the task ahead by the Holy Spirit, said the Pope, and so it is "very important" for them "to believe strongly in the presence and action," and to welcome and invoke Him "through prayer and the sacraments."

For it is the Holy Spirit, in fact, "who enlightens the mind, warms the heart of the educator so they know how to pass on the knowledge and love of Jesus," the Pope explained.

This is why prayer is "the first condition to educate," as "in prayer we live the initiative to God, we entrust our children to Him, who knows them before and better than us, and knows exactly what their true good is."

It is also in prayer that "we are listening for God's inspiration so we may do our part well, which still is our task and which we must achieve."

He also suggested that a sacramental life is equally crucial for parents and godparents – particularly the sacraments of penance and the Eucharist – so that the task of education is carried out "in communion with Him and constantly renewed by his forgiveness."

By being rooted in prayer and the sacraments parents will know when to "keep silent and when to speak," to their children or when to be "tender" and when "to be firm."

Courtesy: CNA Oringinal Post

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