Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Officials authorize first Catholic marriage in Mexican prison

Mexico City, Mexico, Mar 6, 2012 / 04:10 pm (CNA).- Officials at the San Jose Prison north of Mexico City have granted permission for the first marriage to take place in the prison chapel on March 18.

According to the Archdiocese of Mexico City, prison warden Nicolas Rosendo Garcia granted permission for a prisoner identified as Jose Miguel and his fiancé Luz Maria to celebrate their marriage dressed in wedding clothes and to hold a reception afterward.

The marriage will be celebrated by Father Francisco Guzman, the director of Prison Ministry for the Archdiocese of Mexico City, who was also responsible for opening chapels at various prisons in the Mexican capital.

The couple decided to get married in the Church after twelve years together and two children, despite being physically separated. They both received marriage preparation from prison ministry leaders, who said that even though the ! couple lives apart, their spiritual union is strong and "they love each other a lot, they love each other with freedom."

"For both of them, the greatest love they have is their children. Love is commitment and sacrifice, and they understand that well," prison ministry leaders said.

Courtesy: CNA Oringinal Post

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